
Get to know the impact of your donation.

These are the faces of those who benefit from your generous gifts. Your support helps us make high-quality education possible for so many across the Virginia peninsula.

With your support over the past few years, the Educational Foundation has

  • Awarded more than $300,000 in fees and scholarships.
  • Retained 200+ students each year with "Bridging the Gap" funds to help them continue or complete their education.
  • Provided nearly $20,000 in student emergency assistance.
  • Invested in online student learning, including laptops, hotspots, and technology upgrades.

You are a powerful part of providing our institution with the resources we need to continue positively impacting our community.

Renew your gift today to help us continue to meet the College's areas of greatest need, such as student emergencies, student and faculty support, research, technology upgrades, and growing academic programs


Shante Bell
Annual Giving and Alumni Coordinator

Tracy Ashley
Director of Development

Educational Foundation.
99 Thomas Nelson Drive
Hampton, VA 23666

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